Data Art: Beyond Infographics

When it comes to data visualizations, we usually think of infographics. But besides data as storytelling, journalism, and dashboards, data has grown into a medium for expression for a large spectrum of creative output.

Contemporary artists are still struggling to find the language for a new contemporary output and practice in the post-Internet genre. Artistic expression within the digital arts has brought forward critical examination of technology and its impact on society, such as surveillance and self-determination, and has often collaged quotations of all aspects of media and consumerism, questioning art market concepts like authorship and intellectual property rights, in mediums ranging from video, software, and websites to hardware, kinetic machines, and robotics. Parametric or generative art is being created from algorithms without direct human intervention.

Come to my session at tdwi Conference Munich, Wednesday June 27th, 0900h.

tdwi Munich 2018

Kunst Post Internet

Jörg Blumtritt, CEO Datarella, geht in seiner Session der algorithmischen Kunst der Post-Internet-Ära und ihrer gesellschaftlichen, wissenschaftlichen und kunstwirkschaftlich revolutionären Schlagkraft auf den Grund.

Kunst im Kontext digitaler Technologien und immer öfter auch erzeugt durch Daten legt schonungslos Trends und kritische Gefahrenpunkte in einer immer mehr technologiegeprägten Gesellschaft offen, wie es vielleicht keine andere Kunstrichtung vermag… oder so ähnlich und noch viel mehr.